

Your Gift Matters

The Georgia Southern Foundation makes giving easy, fast, and instantly rewarding. Donor contributions to the School of Human Ecology fund student scholarships, laboratories, equipment, and projects.  With the ability to donate  by mail, or over the phone. 

Call to Donate: 912-478-2000

When Donating, Please Consider Contributing to These Funds

GS0211 School of Human Ecology
GS0181 Family and Consumer Sciences
GS0563 Child Development Center
GS0584 Fashion Merchandising
GS0630 Interior Design

GS0978 School of Human Ecology Undergraduate Research Program
GS3285 Betty Lane Family and Consumer Sciences Scholarship
GS3220 Honey Bowen Scholarship
GS3696 Susie Francis Whitener Educational Scholarship


University Advancement

Georgia Southern Foundation, Inc
Statesboro, GA 30459
Phone: 912-478-2000